CAPSULE NOTE:(As of 07/2004 Darrell DWaRf Millar is no longer drumming with Laidlaw. Also as of 2006 Laidlaw has a 3rd Cd out with a new line-up and hale out of Houston, Texas) After the break-up of the Killer
Dwarfs (now re-formed 08/10/02), I took a
year off to do some soul searching. I did do a few sessions here and there,
including playing on some of Russ' ( Killer Dwarfs) demos for his new
project "Penny Black". Now in my early 30's, I was wondering if I wanted
to carry on in the music biz, or move on into some other avenue. After
that year, I figured it out. I don't think I will ever leave the Rock & Roll
biz.. I missed
the road and touring and playing live. In the mid 90's, the rock scene
was all but non-existent in Toronto. I had spent several years recording
and living in L.A. working with Andy Johns on Killer Dwarfs albums and
had several connections there, so I packed up and re-located there.
I hooked up with Craig Defalco who is a guitar player/songwriter.
I met Craig in the 80's when he was a pro guitar tech and he did one tour
working for Mike K.D.'s guitarist at the time. I hadn't spoke with Craig
in a few years. Turns out Craig has this band called Moonshine and he needed
a drummer. I had a listen and dug what I heard. It was very 70's blues,
southern rock, and I brought a bit of a harder edge to it. It was starting all
over again at the bottom for me. The band recorded several demos and did live showcases
and went through the usual rigamorow of the rock biz. The bad news was,
as good as the band was, no record deal was landed.
Management was just as hard to land and we managed
ourselves right up until early 2000. Craig continued to tech on and off for money while we all did our own trips
to make ends meet. While Craig was teching for Motley Crue bassist, Nikki Sixx, he continuously got in Sixx' face to listen to Moonshine.
Nikki agreed to let the band open in Phoenix, AZ.
at the Great Western Arena. The packed house went for it and Sixx saw something.
The good news for us was that Nikki was in the process of starting a label
of his own (Americoma) with manager Allen Kovack as his partner (Beyond).
Nikki signed and produced the band's first effort "First Big Picnic". The
band's name was changed to "Laidlaw" for marketing reasons as well as other
bands out there named Moonshine.
Working with Sixx was a great experience in
the studio for me. It was very laid back and relaxed when I tracked. Sixx
being a bass player and working along side of Tommy Lee all those years,
obviously gave him a great understanding for drum sounds and how a rhythm
section works. Brian Dobbs (Metallica), engineered "First Big Picnic" and
was crucial in getting the great drum sounds. Out of all the recording
I have achieved, the drums sounds on the Laidlaw disc are the closest to
what I hear when I play, so Kudos' to Brian! It took me two and a half
days to record the Laidlaw disc. Laidlaw is in the building process and
making a name in the world of Rock & Roll/Southern Rock, and has already completed
several high profile tours in the U.S., with the likes of Z.Z.Top, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Motley Crue and Scorpions. The cd is available now on the net
on all sites such as Amazon.com and available in stores on AMERICOMA distributed
by BMG in the U.S. and EMI in Canada. Laidlaw has recorded the
second Cd. Drums were tracked in LA and the rest was tracked in Nashville and
Sausalito Ca. (Record Plant).
This Cd is Produced and Engineered by Brian Dobbs this time around.The drum sounds are even
better than First Big Picnic. Good work Brian. You totally out did
yourself. More updates as they come
New LAIDLAW line-up 2002-pic ZLOZ
Members of Laidlaw include Buzzy (Buzzmaster) James
- Slide guitar, Joey Pantera- Vocals, Garry Nutt-Bass guitar and vocals, Craig
Defalco -Guitar and vocals and myself, Darrell Millar - Drums. Check out these links
of some of the boys. www.spillysoundstudios.com For a more in depth look into "Laidlaw" go to
"Laidlaw On Tour" Bands
Laidlaw Has Toured With- Lynyrd Skynyrd, Motley Crue, Z.Z.Top, Eddy Money, Scorpions, Bad Company, Kenney Wayne
Sheppard, Marshall Tucker Band, Edgar Winter, Keanu Reeves, Rachel Bolan,Pancho Sanchez,Krunk,Sunchild, Dick Dale,Georgia Satellites, Van Halen.
Buzzy James - avid surfer and fisherman.
Nutt- Born in the UK. A Florida boy now. Professional fishing technician. Did several
tours with the famed Chubby Checker.
Joey Pantera- Was shot in the
ass by LAPD.....for real!!!!!
Craig Defalco - Teched for
Michael Anthony (Van Halen) for several years and is still best friends. Was asked to be Angus Young's
tech and had to refuse due to Laidlaw obligations....
Darrell Millar - The only Canadian in Laidlaw. Eddy
Money once said..Great Drums Babe....after Laidlaw opened for the Money Man. Leon
Wilkeson signed one of his prized stage hats and gave it to ole Dunk....much
cherished in my rock collection of memorabilia.
The band hails from southern California. The C.D. cover
of "First Big Picnic" has four people in a picnic setting. The two children
are Nikki Sixx' son and daughter. The father figure is none other than
Ty Treadway star of "One life to Live". He plays Colin on the show and
is a good friend of the band. Nakita Ager is the mother figure, and is
an actress and good friend of the band as well. 
First Big Picnic 1998 Producer Nikki Sixx Laidlaw 2nd effort 2002 Producer Brian Dobb's
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